Ulley Village Survey


 It is important that the Parish Plan Steering Committee and the Parish Council discuss the results and devise actions; however, here are some initial thoughts:
  1. Share the results with the village, the Millennium Trust, and the church congregation, in particular to celebrate the positive views of life in the village.
  2. Hold a meeting between the groups in the village to discuss potential actions, timescales and responsibilities; this will include things that the groups/village can undertake directly and things where influence is needed on groups outside the village.
  3. Work with the police and RMBC to understand additional safety measures that can be provided regarding car damage/theft, verbal/physical abuse and levels of crime around the village and reservoir. In addition consider ways in which concerns around safety at specific points in the village can be addressed.
  4. Use the survey results that show the high level of dissatisfaction with speed of traffic (and accidents/near misses), condition of roads and fly tipping to begin or continue conversations around appropriate measures to address these problems with RMBC and the police (acknowledging that some good progress has been made in this area since the survey was undertaken). (See slides 24 and 29 for actions respondents would like to be considered).
  5. Work with RMBC to address the state of the footpaths around the village.
  6. Consider providing additional litter bins and dog waste bins around the village.
  7. Work with bus companies to discuss the possibility of improved services to the village.
  8. Investigate further what being an eco village and church would mean and consult further on this with villagers.
  9. Consider actions to encourage/protect wildlife around the village.
  10. Continue to hold events that are popular in the village, those that people would consider in the future, introduce new events that seemed popular from the results, in particular events that would help with fund raising in the village (see slides 17-19).
  11. Consider introducing or encouraging others to lead fitness related activities in the village such as yoga, keep fit, organised walks, and/or Pilates.
  12. Continue to provide the village newsletter as an inclusive communication mechanism, whilst maintaining the facebook page for more speedy communication.
  13. onsider additional suggestions for communications in the village (see slide 15).
  14. Consider whether further research is needed to understand village life from a teenager perspective.
  15. Once actions have been decided, both in terms of the development of the Parish Plan and actions outside of those, share these intentions with residents.