Ulley Parish Council Minutes - 26th January 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council

held at the Village Hall, Ulley at 7.00 pm on 26th January 2022

Members: Cllrs: R Robson (Chairman), S Hubbard & C Myers

In attendance: Sarah Whitaker (Clerk)

Seven members of the public

A public session of 15 minutes was held prior to the formal Council meeting, in accordance with Section 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders.

  1. New Bin. A resident raised the issue that a new bin, which is for both litter and dog waste has been installed near the play area, they were unhappy with the location of the bin as it is near their home. The resident was concerned that the bin will smell and is an eyesore. There were also concerns that as the bin is for dog waste this may encourage dogs in the play area which are not permitted. This issue will be covered under the relevant agenda item.
  2. Speed & Flow Monitor. There were concerns from a resident that the monitor was installed during the longest nights of the year when Covid restrictions were in place and people were working from home. One of the main routes in and out of the village was also closed. Councillor Hubbard had already expressed these concerns to RMBC and they have agreed to carry out a second survey.
  3. Police Radar. A resident raised the possibility of the community getting involved in a police radar. Councillor Myers will raise this possibility with the Police at the Ward Walk on 3rd February.
  4. Road Surfaces. A resident questioned why the Road surface on Turnshaw Road was not being resurfaced. Councillors will raise this issue at the Ward Walk.

01/22 To receive and approve any apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Councillor Smith

02/22 To note any declarations of interest on items to be discussed at this meeting

There were no declarations of interest

03/22 To consider any matters to be excluded from the public

There were no matters to exclude

04/22 To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 24th November 2021.

A request had been received from a Parishioner to review the minutes of 24th November 2021

Resolved: The minutes of the meeting be approved as a true record.

05/22 To receive written applications and to co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy for a Parish Councillor

No applications had been received.

06/22 To consider any changes in Covid Guidance to the functioning of the Parish Council

From 27th January 2022, there will be changes to government guidance which the Parish Council intend to follow.

07/22 To receive a report from the Millennium Trust

  1. Meetings. There was no meeting held last month the next meeting is scheduled to take place in February.
  2. Social Evening. A social evening took place last week which was successful, 18 people attended and more are to be planned.
  3. Brass Band Concert. This will take place in the Church during March, date to be confirmed.
  4. Queens Jubilee. An event will be planned in collaboration with the Church and PPSC.

08/22 - To receive an update from the Parish Plan Steering Committee (PPSC)

The last meeting was held on 12th January. The application to the Ward budget has been approved for 10% £634.80. There has also been a Halifax bid submitted, enquires made to the FCC Communities Foundation and Voluntary Action Rotherham.

  1. Presentation of the Park Plan. The plan for the play area was presented to UPC, the selected supplier is Hags.

UPC asked for clarification on;

  • the type of ecotumble to be used,
  • councillors expressed their concerns that the inspection regime may affect the warranty as UPC can only commit to monthly inspections. PPSC raised the possibility of volunteers to carry out weekly inspections.
  • there were also concerns raised regarding the swing which appeared to be located under the trees

Once the plan is agreed it will need to be submitted to Tim Archer, RMBC for approval.

PPSC was thanked for their great work.

Resolved: Ecotumble is the preferred option, Public Consultation is required as the next step. PPSC to arrange public consultation event, check the wording on inspections, clarify the ecotumble and ask Hags to show the location of the swing more clearly. The plan was agreed in principle.

09/22 To consider any issues arising from the management of the Play Area

  1. Inspection report. Enquiries have been made to RMBC regarding the possibility of moving to bi-monthly inspections. RMBC cannot commit to bi-monthly inspections, they could only reduce the number to 6 per year which could take place at any time. The fee would not halve either there would only be a saving of approx. £100.

Resolved: Inspections to remain as monthly. Clerk to request a copy of the Annual Report.

  1. Damaged Tree. Quotations were considered to remove the damaged tree.

Resolved: Andersons Tree Care was the chosen Supplier, Clerk to arrange the works and inform the relevant residents when this will take place.

  1. Park Bin. The original bin was removed following reports of it being used during lockdown when the park was closed, there were issues with RMBC emptying it and rats in the area which led to the decision to remove it. This should have been added to the May agenda but was not.

Following 2 new bins being installed In the village by RMBC, enquires were made about future plans.RMBC informed they are replacing all bins over the next 2 years.The chairman suggested it would be nice to have a new bin in the park.It was the intention to discuss this at the next meeting however, the following day RMBC installed the bin, no prior warning was given and 2 Cllrs made the decision on the spot regarding location.The bin had to be on an access route and could not be put in place of the existing bin. Concerns were considered regarding the location and type of bin.

Resolved: Decision to remove the original park bin ratified.

Clerk To enquire with RMBC whether the new litter/dog waste bin in the park can be exchanged for the litter bin on reservoir Road and the location changed

  1. Park development. Considered above 08/22

10/22 To receive an update for repairs to the War Memorial

Application has been submitted and a decision will be received by 28th February 2022

11/22 To consider matters relating to the Royal Oak

  1. Community Asset. RMBC have confirmed receipt of original application, this was allocated to the legal department who do have capacity to process. The application has been returned to the Estates Team and will be allocated to an Officer in the New Year.

Resolved: The clerk to follow this up

  1. Field. The Planning department at RMBC have been contacted regarding enforcement action to remove the trees in the field. Awaiting update.

Resolved: The clerk to follow this up

12/21 To receive an update on the enquiries into creating a wildflower meadow

Councillors met with Kevin Burke, RMBC, discussed areas in the Village to develop. RMBC happy to advise but the cost would be to UPC

Resolved: To consider as part of the Parish Plan

13/22 To receive an update on the Queens Jubilee Beacons

Resolved: This will be taken forward by the sub-groups

14/21 To receive an update regarding the un-named Road off Poynton Avenue

The Estates Team, RMBC have advised that the access Road is not part of an adopted network, it is an unadopted highway. RMBC are responsible for highways and they are maintained in fashion however, the Estate Team cannot help and they have referred this to Street Pride.

Resolved: No follow up required, residents have a plan in place

15/22 To receive an update in relating to Highways and Speed Reduction

Speed reduction signs considered.

Resolved: The clerk to purchase 100 wheelie bin stickers at a cost of £90 with a view to give 3 stickers to each resident along Main Street

16/22 To consider repairs to the damaged village sign on Turnshaw Road

The Quarry no longer carve stone, 1 quote received from Steve Winks for £150+VAT but nothing to compare this with

Resolved: Clerk to research other quotes

17/22 To consider any Planning Applications received since the last meeting

There were no planning applications

18/22 To receive a financial update to 31st December, including Bank Reconciliation and Payments for Authorisation & Budget Update

Resolved: The following items were authorised for payment:


Whitaker, S

Microsoft Office Renewal

£ 79.99


Whitaker, S

Salary October 2021

£ 206.47



Clerks Tax October 21

£ 51.80


Whitaker, S

Salary November 2021

£ 381.40



Clerks Tax November 21

£ 95.40



Election Costs

£ 80.07


Business Stream

Village Hall Water

£ 40.15



Transfer of Funds

£ 19,544.18



Play Inspections

£ 409.68

  1. Budget & Precept

Resolved: Budget agreed and an increase in Precept of 3% confirmed

19/22 To consider a review of policies, including:

  1. GDPR Regulations
  2. Anti-Bullying & Harassment Policy
  3. Vexatious Policy
  4. Update on Play Area Policy – The clerk advised this policy was not reviewed as other policies became a priority and it may be useful to review once the park plan has been agreed
  5. Public Participation Rules

It was discussed that all policies should state that staff includes volunteers

Resolved: Agreed, upon slight amendments as suggested above and to check the Risk Assessment for the Play Area.

20/21 To consider any general correspondence received, including:

  1. Latest Crime Statistics – These were general figures

Resolved: The clerk will try and obtain area related stats for the next meeting

  1. Ulley Multi-Agency Meeting – A fibre glass layer is being considered on top of the bridge at Ulley Reservoir to add height, next meeting scheduled for 28th January 2022.
  2. White Rose Update – The Civility and Respect Project was highlighted
  3. Freedom of Information Act Request – This has been answered
  4. Request to review Minutes of 24th November 2021 – Considered above 04/22

21/22 To note the outcome of the review of the Clerk

Resolved: A review was carried out and the probation period is now complete.

22/22 To consider any agenda items and arrangements for the next Meeting of the parish council to be held on 23rd March 2022.

Resolved:The following agenda items were agreed for the next meeting

  • Highways and Speeding

The meeting was closed at 9.00pm.

Signed (Chairman). Date: 26th January 2022