Ulley Parish Council Minutes - 23rd Sept 2020

Minutes of the Ulley Parish Council Meeting 23 Septemeber 2020

Draft Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held electronically on 23 September 2020 at 7.00 pm

Members: Cllrs: R Robson (Chairman), C Myers, P Smith, R Steele & I Stone.
In attendance:

G Pacey (Clerk), B Walsh (RMBC Cllr.)

Three members of the public

A public session of 15 minutes was held prior to the formal Council meeting, in accordance with Section 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders.

A resident noted she was pleased to see the plans for the park developments were on the agenda. Prior to the meeting a small group of residents had met with Cllr. Pat Smith to discuss how people could get involved with moving forward with the development of the park. It was recognised that a plan was needed in which interested residents might work alongside Cllr. Smith to take forward, possibly including a phased plan around initial repairs, with further development with clear timescales and responsibilities and processes for fundraising.

45/20 - To receive and approve any apologies for absence - There were no apologies.

46/20 - To record any declarations of interest – There were no declarations.

47/20 - To receive and consider any written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests – There were no written requests.

48/20 - To consider any matters which should be dealt with in open, or confidential session (items for which the Press and Public may be excluded further to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 - There were none.

49/20 - To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 17 August 2020 and the Extraordinary meeting on 4 September 2020.

Resolved: That the minutes of both meetings be approved as a true record.

50/20 - To receive information on the following on-going issues:

a) Coronavirus and implications for parish councils, including the holding of remote meetings. – Councillors noted the recent news media regarding the beginning of a second wave of Covid-19 cases. The Clerk noted YLCA advice which recommended that Councils should continue to meet electronically.

Resolved: That meetings would continue to be held electronically.

b) Latest Crime Statistics. The Clerk explained that the statistics had been requested but were not available in time for the meeting.

51/20 – To consider the management and re-opening of The Park

a) Re-opening of the Park. Residents were keen that a Covid-19 related risk assessment is undertaken and, if possible, measures put in place to look at the reopening of the park. The current government guidelines mean that measures can be adhered-to, providing there is correct signage in the area reminding users of the risks.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact RMBC regarding risk assessment and appropriate signage. Decision to open to be made via Councillor email group.

b) Findings from the latest RMBC inspection of the Park for August 2020. The Clerk noted that all items highlighted were currently ‘low risk’ and therefore not requiring urgent attention. This issue was also debated later in the meeting.

c) Improvement works to trees in the Park. The Clerk had contacted Andersons Tree Services and received the following email dated 18 September 2020:

We discussed the situation and decided that we’d better simply remove the damaged tree, at the far end of the row, and prune the tree at the opposite end, closest to the houses, more or less in accordance with the specification prepared by Ricky Nos, the Tree Officer. Our price for this work will be £750.00 plus VAT.

It seems that notice was only given to remove dead wood from the other 4 trees, so we’ll do that as well if we think it’s necessary. By that I mean if there’s any dead wood large enough to cause a child an injury. We’ll also remove any low branches that are causing a nuisance. Dead wood is a valuable biodiversity resource and we shouldn’t remove it unless it poses a serious threat. All the debris will be removed and the felled tree’s stump will be cut as close to ground level as possible.

Resolved: That the quotation of £750+VAT be accepted, and work to commence in October 2020.

d) A report on the meeting with officers from Rotherham MBC about appointing them to undertake ad hoc improvements in the play area and wider recreation ground. The Council had previously approved a £125 spend-limit for the Clerk to deal with any repairs requiring immediate attention via RMBC.

e) Quotation from Kompman regarding replacement seesaw and Kompman navigator repairs. This item was covered under the next item.

f) Quotation from Sutcliffe Play for improvements to the Play Area Equipment. Following a discussion with Tim Archer at RMBC, Cllr Smith had sought a proposal from Sutcliffe Play for a revised layout of the Play Area and quotes for various options of play equipment. It was recognized that a Parish Plan was the best way forward in the long term, to reflect the needs of the village and guide further development and funding. However, in the short term there was a pressing need to make an application to RMBC for equipment under the £3000 ward budget before December, i.e. for the 2020-21 period.

Resolved: That a Play Area Sub-Committee be established comprising Cllr Smith and Cllr Myers and interested residents – the remit was to consult with other residents regarding the short term selection of equipment and in the long-term a refresh of the 2006 Parish Plan. To bring proposals to the next Council Meeting and then put forward an application to RMBC.

g) To consider making an application to Rotherham MBC’s Ward Budget for improvements to the play equipment. As noted above.

51/20 - To consider issues at Ulley Country Park, including the outcomes of an inter-agency meeting organised by RMBC, and any next steps. Cllr Robson updated the Council on the actions from the meeting, including measures to prevent unauthorized wild swimming around the bridge and to encourage more organised activities within the Country Park.

Resolved: Cllr Robson to ask for a summary of actions and a comprehensive plan from RMBC to be posted on noticeboards and the Council website.

52/20 - Planning Update: There were no planning applications for consideration in the period since the last Council Meeting.

53/20 - Financial Update: to receive a verbal and written report to 31 August 2020 including authorization of payments schedule. The Clerk presented a review of income and expenditure against budget, a bank reconciliation to 31st August 2020 and a list of payments for authorization, to date. There were no immediate issues requiring consideration.

Resolved: That the financial update is accepted, and the payments be authorised.

54/20 - To receive a progress report on submitted bids to the Halifax Fund. The Clerk noted that the administration of the Halifax Fund would be overhauled before the end of the year. This would include establishing a charitable body to receive grant funding and to administer future grant claims for the benefit of Ulley residents.

Meanwhile the grant for staging at the Village Hall of £469.00 had been approved, and a further bid for wall lights and a new kitchen door at the Village Hall would be submitted soon by the Millennium Trust.

55/20 - To consider any general correspondence, including:

a) Website query regarding telephone box. Noted.

b) Letter from a resident regarding electronic meetings. This was debated and resolved by Councillors in item 50/20(a)

c) YLCA White Rose Update, including Remembrance Sunday Guidance. Councillors supported the idea of a socially distanced Remembrance Service at the War Memorial.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact the Church Warden to confirm the service will proceed, and then ask the Police whether a PCSO is available to stop the traffic on Main Street for the Remembrance Service.

d) Letter from a resident regarding parking. Cllr Walsh advised the Council of their options regarding traffic restrictions on Poynton Avenue.

56/20 - To appoint the new Parish Clerk, Greg Pacey, with effect from 7th September 2020.


  1. To confirm the decision at the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on 4th September 2020 to appoint Greg Pacey as the Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, with effect from 7th September 2020 and to work 4 hours per week with headroom up to 6 hours per week to reflect the additional duties in the job description.
  2. To amend all Co-Operative Bank Mandates to add Greg Pacey and remove Andrew Towlerton from the signing authority.

57/20 To consider any agenda items and note the next meeting of the council to is be held on 25th November 2020.

The meeting was closed at 9.00pm.

Signed …………………………(Chairman). Date: 25th November 2020