Ulley Parish Council Minutes - 23rd Nov 2020
Ulley Parish Council Minutes - 23rd November 2020
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held electronically on 25 th November 2020 at 7.00 pm
Members: | Cllrs: R Robson (Chairman), C Myers & I Stone. |
In attendance: | G Pacey (Clerk), B Walsh (RMBC Cllr.) Seven members of the public |
A public session of 15 minutes was held prior to the formal Council meeting, in accordance with Section 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders.
Mr Butler and Ms Peers were present from RMBC to outline plans for traffic restrictions in Ulley around the reservoir bridge and around Ulley Lane, whilst maintaining a free and safe flow of passing traffic.There were issues around disabled parking and dropping off equipment for fishing in the pocket areas near the bridge.
A resident raised the issue of progress with improvements to the Play Area, and the proposed Trust Deed for managing the Halifax Estates grant funding.
58/20 - To receive and approve any apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cllr. P Smith.
59/20 - To record any declarations of interest – There were no declarations.
60/20 - To receive and consider any written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests – There were no written requests.
61/20 - To consider any matters which should be dealt with in open, or confidential session (items for which the Press and Public may be excluded further to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 - There were none.
62/20 - To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 25th September 2020.
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting be approved as a true record.
63/20 - To consider any applications for the vacancy of parish councillor, arising from the resignation of Cllr R Steele.
The Clerk noted the application received from Laura Hancock.
Resolved: That Laura Hancock be co-opted as Parish Councillor.
64/20 - To receive information on the following on-going issues:
a) Coronavirus and implications for parish councils, including the holding of remote meetings. Following a Risk Assessment and posting of appropriate signage in The Park, the Play Area was opened in September 2020.
b) Crime Statistics to 30th October 2020. The crime statistics were discussed and noted.
65/20 - To consider the management of The Park, including
a) Improvement works to trees in the Park. Works had been completed on the 13th November 2020.
b) To consider making an application to Rotherham MBC’s Ward Budget for improvements to the play equipment. There had been no progress since the last meeting.
Resolved: That the sub-committee comprising Cllrs Myers and Smith be given delegated responsibility for deciding on the equipment list and to apply for a grant of up to £3000 by 11th December 2020. A site meeting to be arranged to include Mrs Dobson and Mrs Hubbard who are interested residents of Ulley, and who have already done some work on this issue.
c) Long term strategy for the park including longer term funding for improvements. This item was deferred to the next meeting.
66/20 - Planning Update:
a) RB2020/1194 Single Storey side extension 10 Poynton Avenue, Ulley. Noted.
67/20 - Financial Update:
a) to receive a verbal and written report to 31 October 2020 including authorization of payments schedule. The Clerk presented a review of income and expenditure against budget, a bank reconciliation to 31st October 2020 and a list of payments for authorization.
Mr Steele had obtained quotes for repairs and servicing for the gardening equipment from Broadfield Mowers. It was agreed to make repairs to the Cub Cadet Mower. A log-book would be kept of equipment usage to aid with a maintenance schedule for all equipment.
Resolved: The following items were authorized for payment:
26/11/20 | Business Stream | Water supply to the Hall | £ 32.98 |
26/11/20 | SSE | Electricity supply to the Hall | £387.05 |
26/11/20 | Andersons Tree Care | Tree work to play area 13/11/20 | £900.00 |
26/11/20 | Business Stream | Water to 12/11/20 | £ 22.29 |
26/11/20 | Hubbard, S | Toner Cartridge - Newsletter | £ 26.00 |
26/11/20 | Broadfield Mowers | Repairs to Cub Cadet Mower | £560.42 |
b) To agree the budget for the council for the coming financial year 2021-22 and for the further two years to 31st March 2024.
Resolved: That the budget for the year ending 31st March 2021-22, including the proposed precept of £7710, be approved, together with outline budgets for 2022-23 and 2023-24.
c) To consider and agree the amendments to the councils’ Financial Regulations.
The Clerk noted he had been in discussions with Cllr Robson regarding amendments to the Financial Regulations. These had been circulated to Councillors with the amendments clearly highlighted. The main changes were an emphasis on making payments by internet banking, where possible and subject to prior authorization by two Councillors, and a minimum limit of £500 for obtaining three quotes where possible.
Resolved: To amend the Financial Regulations as indicated.
d) To amend the cooperative bank mandate following changes in personnel
Resolved: That, following the resignation of Cllr Steel and the change of Clerk to Greg Pacey, the Co-operative Bank Mandate accounts be amended to the following four signatories: Laura Hancock, Pat Smith, Greg Pacey and Richard Robson. The following names to be removed: Peter Hubbard, Richard Steele and Andrew Towlerton.
68/20 - To receive a progress report and consider grant applications to the Halifax Fund.
a) Village Parties Bid 2020 - £600. It was requested that, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, expenditure be amended for the provision of childrens’ gifts.
Resolved: Amended as requested.
b) Christmas Decorations Bid 2020 - £296.94
Resolved: Granted as requested.
69/20 To approve a trust deed for Halifax Estates Ulley Village Grants Trust
The Clerk circulated a draft Trust Deed for discussion. The Deed was based on a proforma provided by the Charities Commission, and incorporated Objects provided by Halifax Estates, reflecting the intentions of the original grant-giving instructions. It was intended that an approved Deed would form the basis of an application to the Charities Commission to establish a Charitable Trust. The background was well documented in previous parish council minutes throughout 2019 and 2020.
Resolved: That the Deed be approved subject to the following amendments, and the Clerk proceed to set up the Charitable Trust.
a) Increase the number of Trustees to five; three of whom should be serving Parish Councillors at Ulley Parish Council (the Chair has the deciding vote) and the remaining two should be residents of Ulley Village. This reflects the desire from Halifax Estates for the Parish Council to retain a majority at the Trust.
b) The founding Parish Council Trustees are Cllrs: C. Myers, R. Robson & P. Smith, who will also be the signatories to the bank mandate. (Any two to sign). The two residents’ positions will be advertised in 2021 once the trust has been set up.
70/20 To review the councils standing orders
There was just one minor amendment, 24(b) “A copy of correspondence sent to Rotherham Borough Council shall be sent to the ward councillor(s) representing the area of the Council, if appropriate”.
Resolved: To update Standing Orders subject to the above amendment.
55/20 - To consider any general correspondence, including:
a) Letter from Alex Stafford MP. Mr Stafford had offered to attend a future parish council meeting.
Resolved: To invite Mr Stafford to a future meeting only when there are relevant issues to discuss.
b) Letter from Pension Regulator
Resolved: To opt out of the scheme for the three years commencing 1st April 2021.
71/20 - To consider any agenda items and note the next meeting of the council to is be held on 27th January 2021
The meeting was closed at 9.00pm.
Signed …………………………(Chairman). Date: 25th November 2020