Ulley Parish Council - Extraordinary Meeting May 2023

Extraordinary meeting minutes 3 May 2023

Extraordinary Meeting of Ulley Parish Council to be held
At Ulley Play Area
Wednesday 3rd May 2023


Members: Cllrs R Robson (Chairman), S Hubbard, C Myers

Apologies: None

In attendance: Sarah Whitaker (Clerk).
                       2 members of the publc.

167/22 To receive and approve any apologies for absence

Resolved: There were no apologies for absence.

168/22 To note any declerations of interests on items to be discussed at this meeting.

Resolved: There were no declerations of interests.

169/22 To consider any matters to be excluded from the public.

Resolved: There were no matters to Exclude.

170/22 To  Sign off the Play area works to enable to opening of the park.
 All equpment must meet the requirements of BS EN 176 as stated in the original Qoutation.
The grass mats are still absent from the travese wall.
It was understood that the roundabout would be inlusive and wheelchair accessible and would be level to the ground
The fall height on the rope climber appeared too great, additional rope support is required with the understanding that this may be at a cost to the Council.
The frayed report is required to be repaired.
Large clumps of mud have been left on the access road which may encourage weed growth.

Resolved: As the play area does not currently meet the standards specified in the qoutation,Ulley Parish Council is not prepared to accespt the risk
and open the park,therefore the fence should remain in place until this is rectified.

The meeting closed at 6.50pm