Minutes of Ulley Parish Council Annual General Meeting - 25th May 2022
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Ulley Parish Council
held at the Village Hall, Ulley at 7.00 pm on 25th May 2022
Members: Cllrs: R Robson (Chairman), S Hubbard and C Myers
Apologies: P Smith
In attendance: Sarah Whitaker (Clerk)
Cllr R Taylor (RMBC)
5 members of the public
A public session of 15 minutes was held prior to the formal Council meeting, in accordance with Section 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders.
- Planning Application – Turnshaw Road. There were concerns raised from a resident regarding the recent planning application. It was felt that the proposed glass windows to the front of the property were not in keeping with the conservation area and there were concerns regarding the roof height. The PC will consider these comments under agenda item 16.
- Cllr Robert Taylor - RMBC. Cllr Taylor introduced himself, he was elected in December and attended the last walkabout. He is very proactive and once aware of issues will follow it up with RMBC. Cllr Taylor encouraged residents to contact him with any concerns via Facebook, telephone or email.
42/22 To elect a Chairman of the Council
Resolved: Cllr R Robson be elected Chairman for 2022/23. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office (Chairman) was duly signed by Cllr R Robson
43/22 To elect a Vice Chairman of the Council
Resolved: Cllr C Myers be elected Vice Chairman for 2022/23.
44/22 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Resolved: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr P Smith.
45/22 To consider and agree representation on outside bodies
Penny Hill Wind Farm Liaison Committee – Cllr C Myers
Yorkshire Local Councils Association – Open
RMBC Parish Council Network Meeting – Open
Aughton & Swallownest CAP Meeting – Cllr S Hubbard
Multi Agency Meeting – Cllr R Robson
46/22 To confirm the schedule of meetings for the following year
27 July
28 September
30 November
25 January
29 March
24 May (Joint Annual Parish Meeting & Annual General Meeting)
47/22 To note any declarations of interest on items to be discussed at this meeting
There were no declarations of interest.
48/22 To consider any matters to be excluded from the public
There were no matters to exclude
49/22 To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th April 2022.
Resolved: Amendment to Item C under the public session, which should read Main Street not Turnshaw Road. Following amendment the minutes of the meeting be approved as a true record.
50/22 To receive written applications and to co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy for a Parish Councillor
No applications had been received. Resolved To advertise in the next newsletter and publish a new advert on the notice board
51/22 To receive a report from the Millennium Trust
- Social Evenings. Hoping to continue the success of the social evenings and expand to further events, potentially a race night and quiz night.
- Queens Jubilee. MT have been organising events and celebrations.
- Volunteers. The group is open to any new volunteers
- Loft Installation. The Village Hall requires loft installation, quotations will be obtained. Permission is required from Ulley PC as the landlords, this will be an agenda item for discussion at the next meeting.
52/22 - To receive an update from the Parish Plan Steering Committee (PPSC)
There has been no meeting since the last Parish Council meeting, although lots happening in the background.
- Funding. Banks Group - A bid was submitted approx. 3 weeks ago. The timescale for a decision is 12 weeks. FCC – Janine is working on the bid which is 17 pages.
- Parish Plan. A meeting to discuss the Parish Plan including all community groups, this will potentially take place on Thursday 23rd June.
- Tim Archer. A site meeting took place to discuss the Park plan with Tim Archer, RMBC. It was a very positive meeting, Tim was generally happy and said the overall plan was very exciting and would open the park up to range of ages. Tim didn’t ask for any changes, although, he gave a few suggestions for consideration.
53/22 To consider any issues arising from the management of the Play Area
- Inspection report. The recent inspection report was graded as Moderate risk.
Resolved: To monitor the situation over the next month.
54/22 To receive an update on the Queens Jubilee
Residents are encouraged to decorate their houses and there will be prizes for the best, which will be judged by Cllr Robson & Cllr Myers at 10.30am 11th June 2022.
A grant was received from RMBC towards the celebrations, bunting, flags, primrose plants, bluebell bulbs and birdboxes have been purchased. The plants and bulbs will be planted in the glade area, on Saturday 11th June, involving the local children. We are unable to close the Roads, so garden parties are encouraged.
A village BBQ will take place on Saturday 11th June hosted by the Millennium Trust.
55/22 To receive an update for repairs to the War Memorial
Liaison with the war memorial trust is ongoing to secure grant funding.
Resolved: Clerk to check with the contractors that the quotes are still valid and apply for additional funding from the Ward budget.
56/22 To consider matters relating to the Royal Oak
- Community Asset. Await a decision from RMBC regarding the application to make the Royal Oak a Community Asset, the Clerk has chased this up.
Resolved: The clerk to follow this up
- Field. Advice was sought from YLCA regarding planning conditions.
Resolved: Not worth pursuing with the planning department. The Clerk will write a letter to the owner asking them to maintain the field and point out that the boundary wall is in need of repair.
57/22 To consider any Planning Applications received since the last meeting
- White Cottage, Green Lane – No objections
- 1 Turnshaw Road – Resolved: following discussion the Clerk will submit an objection to this planning application on behalf of the Parish Council
58/22 To receive a financial update
- To receive the final year-end accounts to 31st March 2022
Total Income £17,046.64, Total Expenditure £29,635.23, this includes the transfer of the Halifax Estates Funds of £19,544.18 to the new Halifax Estates Ulley Village Grants Bank Account. £8,211.48 has been brought forward this financial year which includes reserves of £3,628.79.
- Internal Audit
The internal audit was carried out by Voluntary Action Rotherham (VAR).All points raised in the last audit were addressed and all points raised in this audit are being remedied.
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return
The Clerk asked that consideration be given to the approval of the Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Return (section 1) and the Accounting Statements contained in the Annual Return (section 2).
- That the Annual Government Statement section 1 and The Accounting Statements section 2 2021/22 be formally approved and signed for presentation to the external auditors – PKF Littlejohn LLP.
- Report to 30th April, including Bank Reconciliation and Payments for Authorisation
Resolved: The following items were authorised for payment:
01/03/22 |
Whitaker, S |
20s Plenty Bin Stickers |
£ 90.00 |
03/03/22 |
Clerks Tax February 22 |
£ 51.60 |
04/03/22 |
Business Stream |
Village Hall Water |
£ 24.99 |
31/03/22 |
Whitaker, S |
Clerks Salary March 22 |
£ 309.50 |
05/04/22 |
Clerks Tax March 22 |
£ 77.40 |
11/04/22 |
Southern Electric |
Village Hall Electricity |
£ 833.78 |
14/04/22 |
Annual Subscription |
£ 60.00 |
Balance £7,965.20
59/22 To consider a review of policies, including:
- Code of Conduct
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Risk Assessment
Resolved: Agreed, upon slight amendments to the Risk Assessment.
60/21 To consider any general correspondence received, including:
- Friends of Ulley Country Park
A request was received for a financial contribution towards the cost of an event being organised by The Friends of Ulley Country Park
Resolved: The Parish Council will contribute £100 on this occasion however, we are not in a position to make a regular contribution.
- White Rose Update – No update
- CAP Meeting – Cllr Hubbard will continue to attend these meeting where possible, they are very useful for exchanging information.
- Ward Priorities – The Parish Council have been asked to contribute their ideas towards RMBC ward priorities.
Resolved: The clerk will forward the summary of the Village Questionnaire which outlines residents key areas of concern.
61/22 To consider any agenda items and arrangements for the next Meeting of the parish council to be held on 27th July 2022.
Resolved: The following agenda items will be added to the next meeting; Speeding/Highways, Loft Installation, Parish Plan Action Plan and CAP Meeting update.
The meeting was closed at 8.25pm.
Signed …………………………(Chairman). Date: 27th July 2022