Meeting Agenda's
Meeting Agenda - April 2022
30th March 2022
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting of Ulley Parish Council, to be held in the Village Hall, Wednesday 13th April at 7:00
The agenda is below and supporting papers are attached.
S Whitaker
Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Formal Meeting of the Council
In accordance with Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, audio/visual recording and photography at Council meetings is permitted in accordance with the Council’s protocol “Filming of Public Meetings”.
Public Session
A public session of about 30 minutes will commence prior to the formal Council meeting in accordance with Section 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders, which will include reports from invited guests;
- Megan – Nature Recovery Rotherham
- Highways & Speeding – PC Ryan Everitt
Agenda Enclosure:
- 1. To receive and approve apologies for absence
- 2. To note any declarations of interest on items to be discussed at this meeting
- 3. To consider any matters which should be dealt with in confidential session (items for which the Press and Public may be excluded further to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960).
- 4. To approve and sign the minutes of the Council meeting on 26th January 2022 (A)
- 5. To receive written applications and to co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy for Parish Councillor
- 6. To receive a report from the Millennium Trust
- 7. To receive an update from the Parish Plan Steering Committee
- Update on queries raised by UPC (B)
- Discuss the Village Consultation on the park plan
- 8. To consider any issues arising from the management of the Play Area, including:
- Monthly inspection report(C)
- Consider sending the Park Plan to Tim Archer
- Management of the litter bin
- Discuss Parish Plan
- 9. To receive an update on the Queens Jubilee
- 10. To discuss Christmas Street Lights
- 11. To receive an update on the grant application for repairs to the War Memorial
- 12. To consider matters relating to the Royal Oak
- receive an update on the progress to make the Royal Oak a community asset
- to discuss the field at the back of the Royal Oak
- 13. To receive an update to the damaged village sign on Turnshaw Road
- 14. To consider any Planning Applications received since the last meeting
- White Lane Cottage, Green Lane - Application to vary condition 02 (change of materials) imposed by RB2021/1057
- 15. To receive a Financial Update including;
- report to 28 February 2022, including Bank Reconciliation & Payments for Authorisation (D)
- YLCA Membership Renewal - £60
- to approve Faye Hazlehurst, Voluntary Action Rotherham, as Internal Auditor ;for the financial year ending 31 March 2022 at a cost of £250.00
- Review of Asset Register(E)
- 16. To discuss the Insurance review
- 17. To consider a review of policies, including:
- Volunteer Policy(F)
- Model Publications Scheme (G)
- Complaints Procedure(H)
- Play Area Policy & Risk Assessment (I)
- 18. To consider any general correspondence received, including:
- Request for a Birthday Party in the Park(J)
- Ulley Multi-Agency Meeting (K)
- White Rose Update – Clerks Pay Increase; (L)
- 19. To consider any agenda items and arrangements for the next Meeting of the parish council to be held on 25 May 2022.
Parishioners are encouraged to attend meetings of the parish council and are permitted participation in the public participation section, but not in the decisions on other agenda items, speaking only when specifically invited to do so by the chairperson