Draft Minutes of Ulley Annual Parish Meeting - 25th May 2022
Draft Minutes of Ulley Annual Parish Meeting - 25th May 2022
Draft Minutes of the Ulley Parish Meeting, held at the Village Hall, Ulley at 6.30 pm on 25th May 2022
Members: Cllrs: R Robson (Chairman), S Hubbard & C Myers
Apologies: Cllrs: P Smith
In attendance: Sarah Whitaker (Clerk), Cllr R Taylor (RMBC), 5 members of the public
- Progress report form the Parish Council
The Chairman welcomed new Councillor, Sue Hubbard and Clerk, Sarah Whitaker and thanked Councillors, Chris Myers and Pat Smith for their contributions and support over the last year.
Thanks were given to previous Clerk, Greg Pacey and Councillor, Laura Hancock for their support.
The chairman thanked volunteers in the community and supporting groups;
- Parish Plan Steering Committee
- Millennium Trust
- Halifax Fund
- Church
- Workabout Group
- Litter Pickers
- Snow Wardens
- Steve Mozley (Lawn Mowing)
- Mr Dobson (Ulley Lane Planter Area)
- Jo Myers (Village Hall Caretaker)
It was noted that in the past the community has struggled to work together, however, we have moved great strides this year and have come together as a community and worked well together.
Over the past year there have been many achievements:
- the PPSC have worked hard on the play area development and there are grants in the pipeline to carry out this work.
- The planter renovations are almost complete, there are just a couple left
- Speeding issues in the village are being addressed, this is an ongoing battle, however, we will carry on pursuing this and have purchased ‘20’s plenty’ stickers which can be attached to wheelie bins and will hopefully have an effect in slowing down traffic.
- The litter pickers have purchased new equipment and are doing a great job.
- There has been a change in the producer of the Village newsletter, Gill has picked up the reins from Sue and is doing an excellent job.
- The Village Hall social evenings organised by the Millennium Trust have continued to be a success and bring the community together.
There are still ongoing issues which the Parish Council will continue to tackle and address:
- The Royal Oak – The Parish Council is hoping to make this a community asset.
- Roads & Pavements – The Parish Council will continue to liaise with RMBC to improve our Roads, pavements, footpaths and bridleways.
- War Memorial – The Parish Council is hoping to restore the War memorial before November.
- Fly Tipping – This issue appears to be abated for now but we will keep this on the radar for future.
- Matters raised by parishioners
Road maintenance – Turnshaw Road and Ulley Lane are on RMBC’s list for maintenance this year, however, the Parish Council will continue to monitor this.
The general pavements and roads maintenance is an ongoing issue and the Parish Council will continue to raise this with RMBC.
The pavement on Main Street is a particular issue as there is only pavement on one side of the road which is quite narrow.
The recent resurfacing of Reservoir Road and Penny Hill Lane is very positive, however, the footpaths and pavements do let the village down.
Parishioners would like to see the following items on future Agendas:
- Speeding – Parish Council to chase the local Police Officer for attendance at the Parish Council meetings
- Speed Survey – Parish Council to liaise with Marc Hill and inform residents when the survey will take place via the newsletter to encourage them to keep the highway clear.
The residents thanked the Parish Council.
The chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 7.00pm.
Signed …………………………(Chairman). Date: 24th May 2022