Ulley Parish Council Minutes - 29th September 2021

Minutes of the Ulley Parish Council Meeting - 29th September 2021

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at the Village Hall, Ulley at 7.00 pm on 29th September 2021

Members: Cllrs: R Robson (Chairman), C Myers & P Smith.
In attendance:

Sarah Whitaker (Clerk)

Seven members of the public

A public session of 15 minutes was held prior to the formal Council meeting, in accordance with Section 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders.

  1. Poor state of road and pavement repair. A resident raised the issue of general poor state of repair on the roads and pavements in and around the village. Cllr Robson explained this is an Agenda item which will be discussed.
  2. Police Report. A resident asked if we could have a Police Report at the next meeting.  The Clerk was asked to organise this.
  3. Park Bin. A resident asked when the temporary bin will be replaced in the Park Area.  Cllr Robson explained the temporary bin will remain in place until the new bin is installed which is part of the parish plan.
  4. Agenda. A resident asked if the Agenda and documents could be emailed to all interested residents prior to the meeting.  Although it is not a requirement anyone who would like to receive the Agenda & documents should email the Clerk and she will circulate these.
  5. Unadopted Road near Poynton Avenue. A resident asked who the driveway near Poynton Avenue belonged to as it is an unacceptable state of repair. The Clerk was asked to make enquiries with RMBC.

70/21 To receive and approve any apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Laura Hancock and Dawn Thomas.

71/21 To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28th July 2021.

Resolved:       That the minutes of the meeting be approved as a true record.

72/21 To receive written applications and to co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy for a Parish Councillor

The Clerk reported that no applications had been received.

Resolved:       That this be a standing item until the vacancy was filled. In the meantime, Sue Hubbard to include an article in the next newsletter.

73/21 To consider any changes in Covid Guidance to the functioning of the Parish Council

It was noted that all restrictions had been lifted in England with effect from 16th August 2021.

  1. Village Hall. Sue Hubbard noted the Millennium Trust had decided to limit numbers to a maximum of 40 until November.
  2. The Park. Current arrangements were lifted on 16th August 2021, essentially, this meant removing all temporary notices from The Park.

Resolved:       That this be a standing item until after the winter months.

74/21   To receive a report from the Millennium Trust

  1. Social Evenings. These social events have been reinstated with the first one taking place in November, further events are scheduled for December and January.
  2. Xmas Fayre. Dates are still to be finalised.
  3. Hall Bookings. These have been moved to an online diary, the website will be updated accordingly.
  4. Repairs to kitchen door. A bid was submitted to the Halifax Fund, however, this has been delayed as further information was requested.
  5. Covid. Arrangements noted above. If an event exceeds the 40 person limit then the marquee will be erected   

75/21 - To receive an update from the Parish Plan Steering Committee (PPSC)

  1. Audit. An audit of PPSC finances will be carried out to ensure transparency.
  2. Presentation of Survey Results. A summary of the survey results was given, however, a full report will be given at the November meeting.

76/21   To consider any issues arising from the management of the Play Area, including the monthly inspection report                                                                 

  1. Inspection report. The recent inspection report was graded as a moderate risk.  This was mainly due to a wasp nest and an end cap missing from the bench.  The wasp nest has been removed, therefore there are no major issues to raise.  The Clerk was asked to enquire whether the photographs could be updated for the next inspection report and specific details of risks recorded.
  2. Bids for Surface & Swings. PPSC would like to submit a Bid to the Ward budget to install a new surface of Eco tumble under the existing basket swing. The cost of this is £6,348 and would rely on residents removing the existing bark.  The plans for the new swings are just a proposal at the moment, therefore no bid has been submitted yet.

Resolved:       That the PPSC submit the bid to the ward budget for the Eco tumble.

  1. Update on park quotes and survey. Quotes have been received from 5 suppliers, PPSC have decided to proceed with ‘Hags’.  PPSC are waiting for a final plan from Hags before a proposal is put to the Parish Council. 

Resolved:       Any plan should be sent to Tim Archer, RMBC, for approval before being considered by the Parish Council.

77/21   To consider repairs to the War Memorial

The Clerk noted that 2 quotes have been received to repair the war memorial, one to repoint the area around the memorial, £398+vat and one to clean and replace the lead letters on the memorial, £300+vat. The clerk has applied for a grant from the War Memorial Trust for both amounts. 

Resolved:       The Parish Council advised that they have not budgeted to repair the war memorial, therefore, will await a response to the grant application.

78/21   To receive a summary of the Walkabout that took place on 12th August

A summary of the Walkabout was given, the points highlighted will be monitored to ensure they are followed up accordingly. The Parish Council reminded residents to report any issues they have to RMBC.

79/21 To receive an update on the progress to make the Royal Oak a community asset

The clerk noted that RMBC have no knowledge of an application being submitted.

Resolved:       The clerk was asked to re-submit an application to RMBC

80/21   To receive an update on the enquiries into creating a wildflower meadow

The clerk has made enquiries to RMBC, a response was received from Kevin Burke, Countryside Manager at RMBC, he has made some suggestions regarding the types of seed to use.

Resolved:       The clerk was asked to invite Kevin Burke to meet with Councillors and residents to discuss further.

81/21   To receive an update on the Queens Jubilee Beacons

The clerk noted that the Parish Council has registered its interest in this event, a location for the beacon will have to be agreed.

Resolved:       That this be a standing item until after the event.

82/21   To consider any Planning Applications received since the last meeting

There were no planning applications

83/21   To receive a Financial Update, including:

  1. To consider a financial update to 31st August 2021, including Bank Reconciliation and Payments for Authorisation

Resolved:       The following items were authorised for payment:


SSE Business Energy

Village Hall Electricity



Pacey, G

Salary, July 2021







Whitaker. S

Salary August 2021



Robson, R

Fuel for Garden Equip



Whitaker, S

Microsoft 365 Lic



84/21   Halifax Fund: To receive a progress report and consider any grant applications to the Fund

  1. - The Clerk noted that the recent bid for a new Village Hall door has not yet been accepted and further information has been provided. 
  • A new bid has been received from Richard Dobson to plant shrubs in the stone planter on the entrance to the village

Resolved:       Approved the Bid for the shrubs value of £220.20

  1. To approve the separation of the Halifax Trust Fund. The new bank account for the Halifax Trust Fund is up and running.  Approval for online banking is required and once this is set up all funds can be transferred, and paperwork updated.

Resolved:       Approved Online banking access for the Clerk and Sue Hubbard                    was asked to assist with the updating of the necessary paperwork.

85/21   To consider a review of policies, including:

  1. Filming Notice.  

Resolved:       To approve the policy unedited for 2021 and file on the Parish Council’s OneDrive.                                                                                             

b)         Equal Opportunities Policy.  

Resolved:       To approve the policy unedited for 2021 and file on the Parish Council’s OneDrive. 

c)         Risk Assessments                -     Generic Equipment

  • Hedge Trimmer (Petrol)
  • Self-Propelled Lawn Mower (Petrol)
  • Strimmer & Brush Cutter (Petrol)
  • Ride on Mower (Petrol)
  • Leaf Blower (Petrol)
  • Weed Burner (Petrol

Resolved:       To approve the policy unedited for 2021 and file on the Parish Council’s OneDrive and that the clerk make this accessible to all volunteers  

86/21   To consider any general correspondence received, including:

  1.  Ulley Multi-Agency Meeting – An update was given
  2. White Rose Update – 20 August & 10 September – An update was given
  3. Highways Site Meeting – A summary of the meeting with Marc Hill, Highways, RMBC was given and an email from Grant Williams, Highway Asset Engineer, RMBC was read.

Resolved:       To monitor the actions Marc Hill has agreed and research stickers and signs for the village.  To invite Grant Williams to meet with Councillors and residents. 

87/21   To consider any agenda items and arrangements for the next Meeting of the parish council to be held on 24th November 2021.

Resolved:       The following agenda items were agreed for the next meeting

  • Field at the back of The Royal Oak

The meeting was closed at 9.10pm.

Signed …………………………(Chairman). Date: 24th November 2021