Ulley Parish Council Minutes - 27th January 2021

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held electronically on 27th January 2021 at 7.00 pm

Members: Cllrs: R Robson (Chairman), C Myers, P Smtih & I Stone.
In attendance: G Pacey (Clerk). Six members of the public

A public session of 15 minutes was held prior to the formal Council meeting, in accordance with Section 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders.

A resident raised the issue of the poor state of the road surfacing on some of the roads within Ulley, including under the bridge, Turnshaw Road and The Holt at Ulley Lane

Resolved: Clerk to contact RMBC to discuss road surfacing plans.

There was general discussion following the results of the recent village survey regarding the Play Area, which had been kindly organised by Janine Strange. This included the idea of forming a Friends Group to manage the development of the space and the retention of the existing see-saw. Councillors further discussed these suggestions under item 08/21.

01/21 - To receive and approve any apologies for absence – There were no apologies.

02/21 - To record any declarations of interest – A written request from Cllr Hancock was received and approved. Valid for four years

03/21 - To receive and consider any written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests - A written request from Cllr Hancock was received and approved. Valid for four years.

04/21 - To consider any matters which should be dealt with in open, or confidential session (items for which the Press and Public may be excluded further to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 -  There were none.

05/21 - To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 25th November 2020. Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting be approved as a true record.

06/21 - To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council. Resolved: That Cllr Myers be elected Vice-Chairman.

07/21 - To receive information on the following on-going issues:

a) Coronavirus and implications for parish councils, including the holding of remote meetings. Cllr Myers had attended a meeting at Rotherham MBC, which had confirmed that local elections would be held in May 2021, as planned.

b) Crime Statistics to 31st December 2020. The crime statistics for December 2020 had been received, and there were no issues arising relevant to Ulley parish. Cllr Robson noted that a further multi-agency meeting to discuss anti-social behaviour provisions at Ulley Reservoir was scheduled for 29th January 2021. There was general discussion around the effect of parking restrictions near the reservoir causing parking problems within the village.

08/21 - To consider the management of The Park, including:

a) Application to Rotherham MBC’s Ward Budget for improvements to the play equipment, and purchase of See-saw equipment from Sutcliffe Play, including communication arrangements. The Clerk noted a site meeting had been held on 4th December 2020 with Cllrs Myers and Smith and a number of interested residents. It had been agreed that a four-way see-saw would be purchased from Sutcliffe Play. A fresh quotation for £2997.78 had been raised – to include the removal of the existing see-saw - and an application made to RMBC for funding. This had been approved and monies had already been remitted to the Council from RMBC. The equipment had been ordered and the installation date was scheduled for March 2021.

Resolved: Councillors endorsed the actions and acknowledged the problems with repairing and retaining the existing see-saw, which were well documented.

Councillors discussed communication arrangements.

Resolved: That Janine Strange be reimbursed for printing associated with an infographic to be distributed via noticeboard, newsletter, Facebook and door-to-door. The infographic and communications were to explain the results of the survey, the purchase of the see-saw, and ideas for a way forward in further developing the Play Area.

b) Long term strategy for the park including longer term funding for improvements.

Councillors discussed the idea of a Friends Group to be formed for the Play Area.

Resolved: Rather than create a fresh group to take forward the development of the Play Area, it was agreed that the existing Parish Plan Steering Committee would become the vehicle for discussion and proposals. The group already had a bank account and a constitution and could be expanded to include interested residents, and Cllrs Myers and Smith as Council representatives. Peter Hubbard agreed to take this forward and hold an initial meeting. In the meantime, Cllr Myers and Cllr Smith would continue to form the Play Area sub-committee to handle any immediate issues with the Play Area. This item was deferred to the next meeting.

09/21 – To receive a report from the Millennium Trust Cllr Hancock noted the last meeting had been adjourned, and there was nothing else to report.

10/21 – To consider the refurbishment of the War Memorial Cllr Robson noted an article in the recent White Rose Update concerning the availability of grants for refurbishment. Councillors discussed the need for some re-pointing and lettering work to be done.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact RMBC regarding ownership of the War Memorial in Ulley, and responsibility for repairs. Councillors agreed for the Clerk to proceed with quotes and grant funding if necessary and update the Council at its next meeting.

11/21 – To discuss the RMBC Snow Warden Scheme Cllr Robson had contacted RMBC and ordered fresh supplies of bagged grit-salt, following the recent heavy snow falls. These were in the process of being distributed to the snow wardens. There was general discussion around the RMBC scheme and whether it was still operating in its’ current form.

Resolved: Clerk to contact the Snow Wardens on the current list to confirm they are still participating and, if so, to collect a bag of gritsalt, from Cllr Robson. Clerk to contact RMBC to request details of the current scheme.

12/21 - Planning Update.

The Clerk noted there were no applications to consider.

13/21 - Financial Update: a) to receive a verbal and written report to 31st December 2020 including authorization of payments schedule

The Clerk presented a review of income and expenditure against budget, a bank reconciliation to 31st December 2020 and a list of payments for authorisation


30/11/20 Business Stream Water to 12/11/20 £ 22.29
30/11/20 Hubbard, S Toner Cartridge - Newsletterl £26.00
01/12/20 RMBC Play Inspections 2020-21 £392.28
02/12/20 Steel, R /td> Defib receipt £ 79.08
07/12/20 YLCA Councillors Course - CM / PS £ 30.00
18/12/20 Broadfield Mowers Honda HRG466SK £77.83
18/12/20 Broadfield Mowers Honda UMC435 Hedgecutter £52.41
18/12/20 Broadfield Mowers Honda UMK425UE £95.83

b) To agree the budget for the council for the coming financial year 2021-22 and confirm the precept request of £7710.00

Resolved: That the budget for the year ending 31st March 2022, including the proposed precept of £7710, be approved.

c) 14/21 - To receive a progress report and consider grant applications to the Halifax Fund.

The Clerk noted the application to establish the Halifax Estates Ulley Village Grants Trust had been rejected on the basis that the grant giving policy did not provide sufficient explanation of why this was for exclusively charitable purposes. The Clerk said that Halifax Estates had agreed the policy wording in conjunction with the Council and therefore this created difficulties going forward.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact the Auditor to suggest the creation of an Arms Length Management Organisation, going forward. The constitution, membership and banking arrangements to remain on the same basis as the Charitable application.

15/21 - To consider any general correspondence.The Clerk noted correspondence received from Sue Hubbard regarding the siting of two sheds on new bases on Church land – one for Council gardening equipment. There followed discussion regarding the current garaging arrangements, and it was agreed to let the matter rest for now, until the Halifax Estates grant-giving arrangements had been sorted out

16/21 - To consider any agenda items and note the next meeting of the council to is to be held on 24th March 2021

The meeting was closed at 9.00pm.

Signed …………………………(Chairman). Date: Date: 24th March 2021